Dealing with a Breached Brand Contract



If a brand you work with breaks a contract, it can be frustrating and stressful. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your business when this happens. In this article, we’ll look at what to do if a brand breaches their contract with you, how to handle the situation, and what to include in a demand letter if you need to send one.

What is a breach of contract?

A breach of contract is a failure to fulfill one’s obligations under an agreement or contract. It can occur intentionally or unintentionally, and both parties must have agreed upon certain things for a breach to occur.

Should I include a clause about my right to terminate the contract?

If you want to include a termination clause in your contract, consider doing so at the start of the relationship so that both parties are clear on their rights. You may also want to specify circumstances where either party has the right to terminate or suspend their obligations under the contract, such as if they have reasonable grounds to believe that something has happened. This is especially important if you don’t have a way of legally enforcing a ban on terminating without reasonable cause.

What if the other party breaches the agreement?

If a brand breaks a contract, you can try to contact them and see what they have to say. If they refuse to work with you or don’t respond, you may need to send a demand letter. A demand letter is an official notice that informs the other party of your intentions and gives them a specific amount of time to act on those intentions.

If your client doesn’t respond after receiving the demand letter, you can consider taking legal action through small claims court or arbitration (depending on the terms of the contract). Alternatively, you can wait until the contract expires and move on.

What should I do if the other party doesn’t respond to my demand letter?

If the other party ignores your demand letter, try to contact them by phone or email. If that doesn’t work and they still haven’t responded in a reasonable amount of time, send another letter reminding them of their obligations under the contract.

If necessary, you can file a lawsuit, but this can be expensive and time-consuming. It’s usually better to try to negotiate an agreement with the other party if possible. If you need help navigating the situation or have questions about the best steps to take, consider seeking legal advice.

What should I include in my demand letter?

If you’re dealing with a brand that has breached their contract with you, it’s important to take action to protect yourself and your business. One option is to send a demand letter, which is a formal notice informing the other party of their breach of contract and outlining the steps you expect them to take to remedy the situation. It’s important to make sure that your demand letter is clear and specific, and to send it by certified mail with a return receipt requested. In addition, you should include the amount of money you believe is owed to you by the brand and send the letter to their legal department. If the brand doesn’t respond to your demand letter or take the necessary steps to remedy the situation, you may need to consider legal action to enforce your contract.

When sending a demand letter, make sure to include:

  • What you want the other party to do, including specific steps and deadlines
  • How long you will wait for a response (a reasonable timeframe is 30 days, but you can request a quicker response if needed)
  • What will happen if you don’t receive a response within the specified timeframe (such as filing a lawsuit)
  • Any relevant documentation, such as copies of the contract or invoices

How long does a breach of contract claim take?

If you are able to negotiate outside of the courtroom, the process can be quick. But if you are required to file a lawsuit, it could take you several months to resolve the breach. 

How should I send the demand letter?

It is generally recommended to send a demand letter in written form, either by mail or email. A demand letter is a formal document and by sending it either by mail or email, you can easily provide proof that you sent it and it was received by the other party. If you are going to send the demand letter by email, send it from a professional email address and state the purpose of the email in the subject line. Once you send the letter, it is a good idea to follow up with a phone call or an email to confirm that the demand letter has been received. 

Do I need to file a lawsuit to enforce my contract?

A demand letter can be a good way to enforce the contract. It lets the party know that they are in breach and what they can do to resolve the problem. Of course, if the party ignores the demand letter, a last report would be to file a lawsuit and the court will compel them to follow the terms of the contract. Filing a lawsuit would require both parties to hire lawyers and this can get expensive fast. It is beneficial for both parties to abide by their contractual obligations and the demand letter can bypass the need to file a claim in court. 

What happens if we both breach the contract, but on different dates?

Generally the law looks at who breached the contract first. First, take a look at the contract’s terms to see if it includes language about a situation of breaches by both parties. The terms may state what your rights and options are and what the consequences are of the breach. 

If the contract does not specifically address this situation, then it may be necessary to consider the timing and severity of the breaches in order to determine the appropriate course of action. For example, if one party breached the contract first and then the other party breached the contract in response, it’s possible that the second party could argue that their breach was justified due to the first party’s breach. In such a case, it may be necessary to seek legal advice or seek resolution through mediation or arbitration.


Dealing with a breached brand contract can be stressful and frustrating, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your business. It’s important to stay calm and professional, and to try to resolve the issue through negotiation or mediation before taking legal action. If necessary, consider hiring an attorney to help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights. Remember to gather all relevant documents and evidence, and to stay focused on finding a resolution that works for both parties.


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